Special Halloween Presentation ‘Most Spooky Technologies Ever Created’.
The lesson contains 13 slides. Also, it has the youtube video for a conclusion. https://www.tes.com/api/authn/sign-out-redirect
The lesson critically investigates The Human Condition in the Age of Technology. It asks whether we become addicted to devices, are we also going to loose various skills (for example, the driving skill thanks to the driverless car)? Did our world become too technocratic?
The lesson also includes the class discussion where students discuss the relevance of skills. Are contemporary technology and devices killing creativity or letting it flourish instead?
The lesson contains 17 slides.
The lesson provokingly discusses Human Condition in Our Age: Are we connected too much? Where is this human condition leading to?
Pupils are involved to discuss the emergence of various smart technology (during the class discussion) and to think about it a bit more critically.
The lesson contains 11 slides.
The lesson investigates: "What are the Causes and Effects of Global Warming: Why Climate is Changing?"
At the end of lesson, during the class discussion, students are asked to express their personal views how global warming could affect people & animals in different ways, what are the effects on society in the long term?
The lesson contains 17 slides.
"Us and Technology: Special Valentine's Day Presentation" visually explores the human addiction to smart technology. The lesson questions what do we love more, our loved ones or the smartphones?
The presentation consists of 14 slides.
The lesson discusses the origin of a Cyber Monday. It focuses on the critical understanding of consumer society and the development of critical thinking.
The lesson is recommended for the secondary classes, it contains 18 slides.
You won’t believe these strange things actually exist. You might think that some of them are crazy …Special April’s Fools Day presentation about 12 Weird Inventions You Won’t Believe Exist.
The lesson contains 15 slides (updated in 2023 / additional slide added).